Friday, June 11, 2010

Will he? Won't he? Will he? Won't he? Head or Ego?

Start:  King's Inn, Culbertson, Montana
End:  King's Inn, Culbertson, Montana

Mileage:  0 miles
Weather:  Rain and stiff headwind

States Conquered:  Washington, Idaho
States Being Conquered:  Montana
States to be Conquered:  North Dakota, Minnesota, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine

Particulars:  Lowell is feeling much better today.  Thank you healthy body, Z-pack and Mucinex!  He was up at 6 a.m. to have breakfast with the guys and when I asked if he was going to ride, the head and ego were in conflict, but in the end, Head wins and he's going to take one more day to recuperate!  Yeah!  Wife didn't have to nag!

Mike, Kelly and Joe departed this morning for Williston, North Dakota and then on to Tioga, North Dakota.  About an hour after their departure we heard a knock on our motel room door.  They came back.  Apparently rain and headwind prompted a decision to make this a rest day.  Probably a good thing since they've been riding for almost two weeks straight!

A report from Joe Thompson:  Having gotten about two miles into headwind and steady rain, Mike proposed that we turn around, declare a rest day and try again Saturday. Lowell had demurred on the day, so all of us ended up lounging around the King's Inn Motel and discussing how best to get from Culbertson to Minot. The weather report is more of the same.

Interesting People Along the Way:

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