End: Campers: Havre RV Park, Havre, MT, Non-campers: El Toro Inn, Havre, MT (Can you guess the campers and non-campers?)
Mileage: 128 miles
Weather: What force of nature allowed the bike riders to complete 128 miles at a rate of 21.3 mph?
States Conquered: Washington, Idaho
States Being Conquered: Montana
States to be Conquered: North Dakota, Minnesota, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine
Particulars: A report from Joe Thompson: "We got a fine tail wind and good weather, riding today from Cut Bank to Havre (128 Mi). I'm sure glad we were going WITH the wind, had we been riding against it we would not have gotten anywhere near the miles we did."
"This part of the world is ground hog country. The little guys are pretty much always visible, either as gawkers as we ride by or as road kill due to their tendency to run up on the road surface. All of Highway 2 has many per mile in all stages of decomposition. The carrion eaters do a good job of cleaning up, but there are still LOTS of them smashed all over the roads."
Interesting People Along the Way: A report from Kelly Thompson and Mike Thompson: "Lunch at Spuds in Chester, Missouri. Just think, guys in spandex having lunch with the entire local community (except for those who were at the courthouse). The bicycles seemed attaract a lot of attention."
As we talked about the day at dinner tonight, there was some inference to the size of the women, but I was not allowed to post details.

128 miles! Awesome!