Thursday, May 27, 2010

A second "build character" opportunity

Start: Cascade Inn, Winthrop, Washington
End:  The Junction Motel, Tonasket, Washington

Weather:  Chilly morning, but no rain until Okanogan.  Last 28 miniles into Tonasket--constant rain.  In fact, we heard on the news today that Spokane has had record rainfall!

Particulars:  Many, many orchards as we approached Okanogan.  I'm not a fruit tree expert, but I did catch one sign that said "Peaches".  I'm sure we viewed some apple orchards too!

The weather forecast said "PM Showers" and it was correct.  Around 1 p.m., the rain started and didn't stop.  Fortunately the bicyclists had already travelled up and over Loup Loup Pass and the rain started as they entered Okanogan.  A local sandwich shop game them a reprieve from the rain until Hannah and I arrived.  Not all of them were prepared for rain and the necessary riding gear was in the back of the truck.

Hannah and I continued on to Tonasket to find a motel.  On the way, we came upon a highway patrolman who was observing a driver "walk the line".  Was the "drunk driver" having a hard time because of the rain and had he truly imbibed in too many spirits?  Keep in mind, this stop took place in the middle of the afternoon!

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