Sunday, May 9, 2010

Elder F. Enzio Busche is exactly right!

In his book, “Yearning for the Living God”, Elder F. Enzio Busche, an emeritus member of the First Quorum of the Seventy of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints said “From my vantage point today, I can see that the general population of the United States, and maybe even of Europe, has come to understand very little about the terrible time of Hitler’s Germany and the Second World War. It is painful to hear people discussing the period without understanding reality, at least the reality that I and many people I have known in Germany were part of.” As I read Elder Busche’s book, and after our visit to Dachau, I concur with his observation. This is coming from the daughter of WWII survivors who were teenage citizens of a country that Hitler occupied. What more do I need to know and do so that I can fulfill the request of survivors—“NEVER AGAIN!”

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