Sunday, May 2, 2010

Go to Church in a foreign country, meet a relative

We attended the Fast and Testinomy meeting in the Utrecht Ward yesterday--the first branch/ward that my father and his family attended after joining The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I remember visiting this ward when I was 10 years old, the same age that Hannah is today.

Once again I was reminded how much technology helps and hinders. I really, really wanted to have my iPhone maps working, but I hadn't set up international roaming on my phone because of the cost. The plan was to purchase a European simm card for an old iPhone and use that while in Holland. The hotel e-mailed me to let me know that I could purchase a card at the local grocery store--WRONG--so we went into Sunday with no phone and no maps. With the directions to the Utrecht ward on my computer screen, we attempted to find the Utrecht building. We got close, but not close enough. I finally resorted to the phone and turned it on. Of course the iPhone map led us right to where we needed to be, although we were late!

The greeter met us at the door, handed us some headphones and showed us to our seats on the FRONT ROW! Talk about conspicuous.

I thought about bearing my testimony, but didn't have a chance until the last minute--so many members made their way to the stand. What I shared with the congregation was short, but from deep in my heart--my grandmother, father, aunts and uncles had stood at the pulpit of the Utrecht ward many times to bear testimony of the Gospel and I wanted to stand with them in declaring my testimony of our Savior, Jesus Christ. It was in the Utrecht Ward that my foundation of the Gospel was first built and I wanted Hannah, Jennifer, Jack and Peter to know the importance of where they were sitting at that moment.

Two different translations of the bible
God is good, niet gek
Bishop stood to say no more people in testimony meeting
Margriet Dekker
Elder Osmond

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