Sunday, May 30, 2010

Day of rest in Colville, Washington.

Start:  Comfort Inn, Colville, Washington
End:  Comfort Inn, Colville, Washington

Mileage:   0 miles
Weather:  Overcast but little rain

States Conquered:  None
States Being Conquered:  Washington
States to be Conqered:  Idaho; Alberta, Canada; Montana; North Dakota; Minnesota; Iowa; Illinois; Indiana; Ohio; Pennsylvania; New York; Vermont; New Hampshire; Maine

Particulars:  Lowell, Hannah and I drove to Spokane to visit with our old friends and neighbors, John and Allyson Halpin.  It was good to see them.  Mike, Kelly and Joe stayed behind in Colville, Washington and cleaned the bikes, relaxed and ate at the yummy Italian restaurant across the street from the Comfort Inn.

Interesting People Along the Way:  Visited the Halpin Family!

1 comment:

  1. I printed off a map and gave it Tanner Davies to show the Teacher's Quorum!
