Monday, May 24, 2010

And, they’re off!

Start: Ferry Terminal in Anacortes, Washington

Weather: Sunny and BEAUTIFUL!

States Conquered:  None
States Being Conquered:  Washington
States to be Conquered:  Idaho; Montana; Alberta, Canada; North Dakota; Minnesota; Iowa; Illinois; Indiana; Ohio; Pennsylvania; New York; Vermont; New Hampshire; Maine

Particulars:  Lowell Klassen, Mike Thompson (good friend of the Klassen's, former neighbor and yes, the guy Annette used to work for), Kelly Thompson (Mike's brother), Joe Thompson (Longtime friend of both Mike and Kelly and brother of Kelly's wife, Marianne who was Marianne Thompson before she was Marianne Thompson) converged in Seattle on Sunday, May 23 in preparation for their departure on a cross-country bicycle journey.  Hannah and I arrived at the Seattle airport where the men met us and on Sunday evening we drove the two hours to Anacortes, Washington--six people in the truck, six bikes on the trailer!

They dipped their rear tires in the Pacific and then they were off!  Hannah and I will follow in the truck.

Interesting People Along the Way:

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