Friday, May 14, 2010

The Eiger says “Go home!”

Cloudy in the Alps again today and no views of the Eiger, Monch and Jungfrau--well, let me clarify, yes, we did see the base of these monoliths and a brief glimpse of some of the glaciers.

Checked e-mail first thing this morning and received news that things did not go well for my mother at the oncologist. I guess the Eiger is telling me to “Go home!” Changed our routing to Salt Lake City and departed Zurich Friday evening for London and spent the night in London allowing for an early departure on Saturday morning. Hannah was not happy about the possibility that she would not spend her birthday in Switzerland. We appeased her by telling her that we would take her to see Big Ben and Buckingham Palace.

On our way back to Zurich we visited Trummelbach Falls near Lauterbrunnen, Switzerland. These falls run through the rock crevices inside the mountain and rage with melting glacier water. Quite impressive, but I don’t know what impressed Hannah more, the falls or the glass elevator that went up and into the mountain.

While checking in at the Heathrow airport Marriott, Hannah decided that she was too tired to go and see the sites and wanted to go to bed. Yes!

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