Tuesday, February 2, 2010

We went to Church in a Temple

How many people have attended Primary and Sacrament Meeting in a Temple? Well, not actually THE temple, but in the same building. The Manhattan First Ward meeting in one of only two multi-use buildings the church owns. The other is in Hong Kong. Floors one through three include the entry, classrooms, chapel, offices, etc. Starting on the fourth floor is the Manhattan New York Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Across the street from the Temple? Julliard and Lincoln Center. Not a bad neighborhood.
Of course we had our one degree of separation of experience with people we met at Church. There was a new missionary couple attending for the first time who just happened to live in the Anaheim East Stake. Annette had the opportunity to visit with Steve Nelson's uncle (Steve Nelson--Cedar City friend). Also had a conversation with the head of HR for Citigroup. I'm sure he's had a fund year!

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