Monday, February 1, 2010

They were yelling at us to get out, but my mom will talk to just about ANYBODY!

So, I realize that one of my jobs as Hannah's mother is to embarrass/annoy her so here was an event/experience that caused her some grief.

At the conclusion of Wicked, I told Hannah and Lauren that we would wait until the crowd left and then make our way up to the the orchestra pit. It is definitely a sight to behold with computers, instruments, keyboards . . . . I guess we waited a bit too long because they kept asking us to leave the theatre. We quickly went to the edge of the pit and one of the musicians was still sitting in his seat and we were able to ask him a few questions (yes, the ushers continued to ask us to leave causing Hannah some consternation). Couldn't let the moment pass without sharing one of our calling cards with a thank you! Asked the muscian to put it on the Music Director's stand. Do you think he got it?

By the way, if you want a copy of our calling card (used in Victorian Times to introduce oneself when calling on a friend) Hannah, Lauren or myself are happy to share one with you. We even passed some cards out at Church to the Primary President, people who engaged us in conversation and asked where we were from . . . . to which we proudly proudly replied that we live in the center of the Golden Hexagon--within two hours of six National Parks/Monuments.

We met many wonderful people from our taxi driver, doorman, sales clerks and even the head of HR for Citigroup! I'm sure he's had an interesting couple of years!

Thanks to all who made our trip memorable and fun!

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