Tuesday, February 2, 2010

I would have picked a different winner!

Why did we go to New York City in January? Well, lots of reasons, but most of all, we were able to participate in a special showing for Wicked for Girl Scouts. There was also a workshop on Saturday morning that included cast members and a special presentation by Girl Scouts who had submitted “For Good” service projects. This mom’s opinion? I disagreed with the final choice.

So, here were the projects in a nutshell:
1. Girl Scout troop helps with Habitat for Humanity.
2. Girl Scout adopted from China gathers and sends items to Iraq.
3. Girl Scout travels to Nicaragua to help at Blanca’s House, an organization that provides medical procedures to those in need, especially cleft palate repairs.
4. Girl Scout troop teaches computer literacy to seniors living in assisted living center.
5. Girl Scout (who looked like she suffers with a form of cerebal palsy but made no mention of it in her presentation) works to spread knowledge in Russia.

Project number three was chosen as the winner (and received a back stage tour). Me, I would have chosen project number four because it not only included leadership by a young woman guiding her troop in a project, but it was also devoted to her local community. Plus, it was obvious that a few of the service project submissions were NOT written by the Girl Scout including the winner. It they were, there is no need for them to go on and take high school English.

Oh well, I’m not going to change the world—we can only do what we can in our own lives, homes and local communities. That will help change the world.

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