Monday, February 1, 2010

Following in the Immigrants' Footsteps

This trip we went to Elis Island. It was so fun. So put yourself in these shows for a while. So you are leaving your home town forever. You just pass the STATUE OF LIBERTY. You look at that and ponder about what your life yet to come is going to consist of. You walk in big glass doors. Your ears suddenly fill with one hundred voices speaking in diferent languages and dielect. people in uniforms are yelling at you and usualy when people in a uniform in your country are yelling at you that is a bad thing. You are reluctant to put your small belongings in the baggage room. but then someone suddenly rips it out of your hands so you have no choice but to go up the stairs. This is called the six second health test. docters look at you from above just to see if you are fit enough to pass. Sudenly someone calls your name . You go up to the desk and they start asking you questions. Like if you are married. Who are you meeting in america. And so forth. For most people this trip to the island is a two three day activity. But fr some it doesn't have that of a happy ending. I liked this visit because it was very interesting to see what they had to go through to get freedom.

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