Sunday, July 4, 2010

Sunday is a day of rest. Finally!

Start:  Holiday Inn Express, Fort Wayne, Indiana
End:  Holiday Inn Express, Fort Wayne, Indiana

Mileage: 0 miles
Weather:  Hot and humid

States Conquered:  Washington, Idaho, Montana, North Dakota, Minnesota, Iowa, Illinois
States Being Conquered:  Indiana
States to be Conquered:  Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine

Particulars:  Lowell, Hannah and I attended services in the Fort Wayne 2nd Ward.  Since it was the first Sunday of the month, it was fast and testimony meeting and I think this was the first time Hannah actually watched someone bear their testimony using sign language.  Hannah was obviously tired (maybe midnight was a little too late to go to sleep) as she laid her head in my lap and didn't elbow me waying "Mom, go bear your testimony!"  I guess I should have since it would have been three months in a row--May was in the Utrecht Ward in The Netherlands and June was the Cut Bank Branch in Cut Bank, Montana.  After Lisa Garner's Relief Society lesson about bearing testimony spontaneously with our children and my experience with the activity day girls a few months ago, I need to take every opportunity I can when Hannah is listening to let her know that her mom's testimony is like a giant redwood!

After Church we headed to Olive Garden for lunch/dinner and ran into Kelly.  He had been out walking and exploring Fort Wayne.  The drive from the church to Olive Garden took us by IPFW, the location of the 4th of July fireworks.  People were already camping out and it was obvious that once the fireworks were over, the traffic was going to be horrendous!  Thinking of Lowell's early bike-riding departure and the fact that he wouldn't want to be out late, I asked Hannah if we could pass on tonight's fireworks and remember that we get to see them all the time at Disneyland.  She said o.k., and I'm glad she did.  At about 9 p.m., the winds picked up and their was a deluge of rain.  Glad we were safe and sound in our hotel room watching "Life" on The Animal Planet and not out in the rain!

A report from Kelly Thompson:  It is 10 p.m. at Johnny Appleseed Park in urban Fort Wayne, Indiana--92 degrees and 90 % humidity. From my tent site I can hear the constant chatter and boom of fireworks.

Tonight, the "Heart of America" is very well equipped with explosives. The crowds are gathered in the park to see the official fireworks across the river at Indiana University Purdue University Fort Wayne. Once the official show starts, the local show quiets and radios start pumping out Red White and Blue country music.

We can tell the show is almost over because I hear the rumble of many Harley Davidson's roilling out.

What a Country!

Interesting People Along the Way:

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