Saturday, July 3, 2010

It happens in other states? Not just Utah?

Start:  Holiday Inn Express, Wabash, Indiana
End:  Holiday Inn Express, Fort Wayne, Indiana

Mileage:  40 miles
Weather:  Lovely!

States Conquered:  Washington, Idaho, Montana, North Dakota, Minnesota, Iowa, Illinois
States Being Conquered:  Indiana
States to be Conquered:  Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine

Particulars:  The men left Wabash early this morning and Hannah and I followed a few hours later.  I guess that wasn't soon enough, because I received a phone call asking where I was.  They were already in Zanesville and trying to figure out a safe route to our hotel in Fort Wayne.  After 25 years, Lowell and I have conceded to the fact that we just don't communicate well when it comes to computers and maps, and since I didn't have the bicycle map in front of me and they didn't have my computer map in front of them, we were doomed!  They decided to wait in Zanesville and Hannah and I jumped in the truck.  Fortunately the Garmin led us right to where the bicyclists were waiting, a sandwich shop/grocery store in downtown Zanesville.  The proprietress invited us to spend the 4th at their home!

The men loaded up their bikes and we drove into Fort Wayne.  Laundry, bike shop and dropping Kelly off at the campground filled our afternoon which was capped off by dinner at Biaggi's.

As we drove into the hotel parking lot, we noticed a flock of geese, including several juveniles.  They decided to cross the road right in front of the truck!  Fortunately, Lowell noticed and we were able to avoid.  They were so "cute" that Hannah and I decided to go an observe them lounging in the "pond" next to our hotel.  As we walked over to their location, it was obvious that the geese spend a lot of time around the hotel.  What a mess!  And as we found a place where we could sit on the curb to watch the geese, the adults decided that they weren't too fond of us being close by and they immediately left the water and came after us.  We got the message!

I searched the Internet to find out what to expect for July 4th festivities and was surprised to read that the fireworks show will be tonight, July 3!  Wow, I thought that happened only in Utah.  Looks like we'll head over to IPFW, Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne and join in the festivities.  ****UPDATE****  Hannah, Lowell and I drove over the University and no traffic and no people!  I guess the festivities really will be on July 4 even though the paper said Saturday!

They other day at lunch, I asked them men how they were feeling, if the trip was meeting their expectations, if they were ready to be done, etc., etc.  The answer is still the same.  They are having a great time!  Then they turned the tables on me.  Apparently some of the women in their lives are having a hard time understanding how Hannah and I could possibly be enjoying ourselves.  Driving 100 miles a day (or less) and then stopping.  How could that possibly be fun?  Well, I can honestly say that we have been looking forward to visiting certain locations and they are coming up!  Yeah!  Here's the list:

Cedar Point Amusement Park, Sandusky, Ohio
LDS Church History Sites (and Sister Annie Decker), Kirtland, Ohio (yeah, we've been there before, but I'm hoping with a few years between each visit, Hannah picks up on a little more of the history)
Niagara Falls (one of our all time favorites, and yes, we have been there before, but Hannah won't stop talking about it)
LDS Church History Sites, Palmyra, New York, (yes, we have been there before, but this time we get to see THE HILL CUMORAH PAGEANT!)
LDS Church History Sites, Sharon, Vermont
Cadillac Mountain, Acadia National Park, Maine

I guess the men have decided to modify the end point of their trip which was originally Bar Harbor, Maine, but now they're planning to dip their front tire in the Atlantic at Rockport, Maine.  Bar Harbor is less than five miles from Acadia, Rockport is more than 80 miles!  I'm working on the bicyclists because somehow I'm going to figure out how to see the sunrise while looking out over the Atlantic from Cadillac Mountain.

A report from Joe Thompson:  By general agreement the day was shortened to just 40 miles so we can spend the day off and the 4th of July in Fort Wayne IN rather than Paulding OH. Better fireworks! The day was lovely and we had the opportunity to ride through the Salamonie Forest.

A report from Mike Thompson:  Lowell Klassen and Kelly Thompson at Salamonie Dam.

Kelly Thompson at Salamonie Dam.

Joe Thompson, Kelly Thompson and Mike Thompson at Salamonie Dam.

Interesting People Along the Way:

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