Monday, July 5, 2010

We don't do sticky very well!

Start:  Holiday Inn Express, Fort Wayne, Indiana
End:  Best Western Falcon Plaza, Bowling Green, Ohio

Mileage:  100 miles
Weather:  Hot, Humid, Wind from the southwest

States Conquered:  Washington, Idaho, Montana, North Dakota, Minnesota, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana
States Being Conquered:  Ohio
States to be Conquered:  Pennsylvania, New York, Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine

Particulars:  I think Hannah has decided that she is truly a desert girl!  Hot and humid is not her thing and just picture a dramatic 11-year old!  The air conditioning is truly appreciated!

A report from Joe Thompson:  Today was Hot Humid and Windy. Fortunately for us the steady 20 MPH wind was a following wind, so we were able to extend our ride from the planned 60 miles to cover 101, starting in Fort Wayne IN and ending in Bowling Green OH. The conditions were actually pretty comfortable on the bike, but almost overwhelming when we stopped.

We rode much of the day along the Maumee River, which has lots of summer home and RV Park river frontage. Near Napoleon OH is a big Campbell's Soup plant which has several hundred (or more) acres of grass adjacent to the plant that they were actively sprinkling with what I imagine is reclaimed water from the plant. It appears that rather than get a discharge permit to put the water in the adjacent river, they apply it to grass and avoid the costs associated with a discharge. The sprinklers are dedicated equipment on fixed pipe, no moving sprinklers or pipe. Just valve the flow to the desired acreage and let 'er rip. No need to meet water discharge limits or test it. Very slick.

Tomorrow we hope to get to the outskirts of Cleveland, not sure how many miles away.

Interesting People Along the Way:

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