Thursday, June 3, 2010

Should we stop by and see if David Letterman is home?

Start:  Caboose Motel, Libby, Montana
End:  Campground/RV Park in Rexford, Montana
Mileage:  60 miles
Weather:  Well it was raining when the bikers left the motel, but bright and sunny when Hannah and I left a few hours later.  The men reported that they left wearing their rain gear and 10 miles out of town they were able to change and enjoy the sunshine!The weather reports tell us the end is in sight!  However, the rain (which is snow at Logan Pass) may require a detour.  As of today, the pass is closed due to snow and Spring plowing operations.  We'll have to catch Glacier National Park another time :(  Theme Song for the Day:  Sunshine on my Shoulders by John Denver.

States Conquered:  Washington, Idaho
States Being Conquered:  Montana
States to be Conquered:  Alberta, Canada; North Dakota; Minnesota; Iowa; Illinois; Indiana; Ohio; Pennsylvania; New York; Vermont; New Hampshire; Maine

Particulars:  Very little AT&T coverage in Rexford and Eureka and when we do have coverage, it is and international service (we are close to the Canadian border).  BUT, we do have WiFi in the campground!  Another interesting observation--there are very few cars on the roads we travel.  I guess Adventure Cycling knows their stuff when it comes to planning a safe route for bicyclists.  Yes, we are driving/riding paved state highways!  Not to mention, the river valleys in Northwest Montana are BEAUTIFUL and BREATHTAKING!  It's hard to drive when all you want to do is stare at the scenery!

A report from Joe Thompson:  Kelly, Joe and Mike at the dam that forms Kookanusa lake on the Kootani river. This has been the nicest riding day so far. So much for the weather predictors! We all rode out in full rain gear and took it off within half an hour. We are having burgers at the Frontier Bar in Rexford MT, just a few miles short of our goal for the day, Eureka. Rexford is a vacation spot at the end of the lake . The lake is at least 30 miles long. The slogan above the bar is "WHERE THE PAVEMENT ENDS AND THE WEST BEGINS".

Mike Thompson and twin at the Frontier Bar, Rexford, Montana.

A report from Kelly Thompson:  "Grampa" owns the Frontier Bar and Saloon. It cost us $20 to camp here IF we also bought beer. The cooks char broiled our steaks to perfection. From the bar keep lady with a speech impediment. - "You can't read the menu and I can't talk. - aren't we a pair!" Welcome to Rexford Montana!

By the way, "Grampa" knows how to maximize campsite fees and minimize campsite space!

Riding in the Kootenai River on the rare sunny day.
Interesting People Along the Way:  Maybe we'll drive by and visit David Letterman?  His ranch isn't too far out of the way.


  1. Hey Annette,
    Is it possible to get the map from start to current with all the stars so I can print it out and put it above the time clock?

  2. Hmmmmm. . . . Each of the state pictures are an image I downloaded from Google images. I guess you could buy a big map and mark it manually?
