Sunday, June 27, 2010

Dyersville, Iowa to Lowden, Iowa

Start:  Dyersville, Iowa
End:  Lowden, Iowa

Mileage:  70 Miles

States Conquered:  Washington, Idaho, Montana, North Dakota, Minnesota
States Being Conquered:  Iowa
States to be Conquered:  Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Vermont, New Hampshire

Particulars:  A report from Kelly Thompson:  Build it and they will come - part 2. This Disk Golf hole is a few feet away from a 1000 acre corn field in Lowden Iowa. It is a short ride from the site where the original movie was filmed.

At 5:45 this morning I woke to a VERY strong wind blowing my tarp shelter away. The lightning and the deluge hit 5 minutes later as I watched from a shelter in the park at Dyersville Iowa. Late start for riding today. We got 60 miles done and will have a short (40 mile) ride to Muscatine, Iowa and rest the balance of the day. After 2000 miles of none, I got two flats today. Oh well.

More from Kelly Thompson:  Water tower in Onslow Iowa -

Every town in rural Iowa seems to have:

One distinctive water tower
2 taverns staffed by nice ladies
3 veteran memorials
5 churches
200 four foot tall Uncle Sams
BIG grain elevators
30 neat houses with 3 acre lawns

A report from Joe Thompson:  This morning we woke in Dyersville, Iowa to rain and a thunder storm, the locals inform us that they have had such for about 60 consecutive days. So we did not get the hoped for 07:00 start. We rolled about 09:30, which reduced out trip from 100 intended miles to about 70. We stopped tonight at Lowden, Iowa. Tomorrow we will do the remaining 30 miles into Muscatine, Iowa, which day will serve as our "rest day". Annette is expected to get to us late in the day with the support truck, including the bike cleaning and maintenance gear. Both the rest and bike attention are going to be welcome.

More from Joe Thompson:  Kelly causes a stir with his first flat of the trip. Lowell 3, Mile 2, Joe 1 and Kelly 1.

I replaced my tires in Winona. Lowell replaced his in Minot (I think) and Mike replaced one in Williston.

A report from Utah:  Hannah and I were supposed to fly to Minneaplis today, but I just wasn't feeling up to it after my battle with food poisoning.  I was able to change our flights to Monday, add St. George to the itinerary so that I didn't have to drive to Salt Lake which resulted in a $160 savings on Hannah's ticket!  Yeah!

We were able to attend Church in our home ward, get the laundry done and relax.  Somethign that was much needed!

Interesting People Along the Way:

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